Care for conditions related to your feet, ankles, and lower limbs.

Podiatrist Ballarat

What Is Podiatry?

Podiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the foot and ankle. A podiatrist is an allied healthcare professional who focuses on the care of feet, ankles and lower limbs. At Modern Medicine, we provide podiatry care for adults and children in the Ballarat region.

Our Ballarat Podiatrists

Maitrey Shankar

Maitrey Shankar


Doctor of Podiatric Medicine | BBMed

Meet Maitrey, a skilled Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, graduated from the University of Western Australia, bringing expertise in treating various foot conditions to Modern Medicine. Throughout his education and professional experience, Maitrey has developed a deep understanding of podiatric care, with a focus on both conservative and advanced treatment modalities. His approach to patient care is marked by precision, empathy, and a commitment to holistic healing.

With a keen eye for detail, Maitrey meticulously evaluates each patient’s condition to develop personalised treatment plans tailored to their unique needs. He has extensive experience in treating a wide range of foot conditions, including fungal infections, plantar heel pain, and ingrown nails. Maitrey’s dedication to professional development ensures that he stays across the latest advancements in podiatric medicine, allowing him to deliver the highest standard of care.

Aaron Walker

Aaron Walker


Diploma Podiatric Medicine | DipParaSci | BHSci

Aaron is a seasoned podiatrist with over 30 years of international experience spanning multiple countries. Throughout his dynamic career, Aaron has pioneered innovative ventures in podiatric care, including online orthotic consultancy services, private practice and leading non-for-profit teams in South East Asia. Aaron is originally from, and trained, in New Zealand and in additon to his Podiatry education, he is also a qualified paramedic bringing a wealth of expertise to Modern Medicine.

From musculoskeletal podiatrist to lead practitioner, his commitment to patient-centric care and evidence-based practices has earned him recognition as a leader in the field. Aaron’s entrepreneurial mindset and high-level communication skills have empowered organisations and individuals across borders, driving positive change in healthcare delivery. Aaron’s vision is to empower people through the transfer of knowledge to create enthusiasm and belief in their ability

Hanseul Baek

Hanseul Baek


Master of Podiatric Practice | BHSc

Hanseul is a fully qualified podiatrist with a Bachelor of Health Science/Masters of Podiatric Practice and has over 9 years of clinical experience.

Hanseul is passionate about helping patients achieve healthy feet in every aspect from orthotics, foot pain to general care. She ensures patients reach their goals through a holistic care approach.

Hanseul regards making life-long relationships with patients and their families as one of the major enjoyments of the job.

Tammanna Bhadouria

Tammanna Bhadouria


Doctor of Podiatric Medicine | BSc (Hons)

Originally from Delhi, Tammanna pursued her passion for healthcare by moving to the UK to study podiatry at the University of Huddersfield. Her dedication and hard work earned her a First-Class Honours degree in podiatry. During the later stages of her studies, she developed an interest in living in Scotland, drawn by the chance to explore the region’s natural beauty.

Following her time in Scotland, Tammanna broadened her horizons by working in Tasmania before joining our team in Ballarat. Her journey into podiatry began at a very young age, with a lifelong fascination with the human body.  Tammanna chose podiatry because it offers the unique opportunity to provide patients with immediate relief, often after a single treatment session.

Outside of work, Tammanna enjoys road trips, indulging in the occasional Netflix binge, and spending time with her family and two dogs, Tuff and Dil.

Modern Medicine

What Techniques Are Utilised?

Our podiatrist will thoroughly assess your issue and develop a personalised treatment plan specific to your needs with a holistic approach.
Depending on your concerns, goals, and health background, this may include:

Footwear and orthotics advice and provision

Treatment during your appointment

Exercise prescription and lifestyle advice

Childhood foot health screenings and shoe lacing education sessions

Comprehensive neurovascular assessments, chronic and acute wound care, and offloading of pressure areas

Modern Medicine

How Does Podiatry Work?

Podiatrists focus on this specific area to best help people with anything foot related including:

Routine nail care

Any foot pain or injury

Fractures, neuromas and bunions

Providing education for parents on footwear and addressing any concerns

Pediatric issues and complaints: experience in local kindergartens providing foot health screenings and shoe lacing education sessions

Experience in treating common pediatric issues ranging from curling toes, verrucas and sever's disease (a common cause of heel pain in children and teens)

Footwear and orthotics


Flat feet

Running or walking injury

Dermatological issues of the feet: tinea, hyperhydration, anhidrosis, psoriasis and many others

Diabetes foot health: completion of comprehensive neurovascular assessments, chronic and acute wound care and offloading of pressure areas

How Podiatry Care Could Help You

Visiting an experienced ballarat podiatrist has many benefits, including:

Reduce pain

A podiatrist can help reduce the pain you are experiencing in your feet.

Improve mobility

If you have trouble walking due to foot pain, a podiatrist can help improve your mobility.

Increase activity

A podiatrist can help you get back to your normal activities by treating your foot and ankle pain.

Diagnosis and advice

Podiatrists can help diagnose problems with your feet and provide advice on how to best care for them. Instead of ‘dealing with the pain’, your podiatrist can help you create a tailored treatment plan to get back to what you love.

Customised care

Podiatrists can provide personalised care based on your individual needs.

Lifestyle enhancements

Podiatrists can also provide advice on choosing shoes, exercises and other activities to help prevent foot problems.

Prevent further injury

Podiatrists can help prevent further damage to your feet by providing treatments and correcting any underlying problems.


Accepting: CDMs (plans from your GP), TAC, Workcover, NDIS, TAC and HICAPS for private health claiming is available onsite. With the exception of plan-managed NDIS participants, accounts must be paid in full on the day of the appointment and our friendly reception team will prepare the necessary information for you to claim your entitlements.

Chronic Disease Management Plans (CDMs): Medicare will rebate you an amount that changes July 1 every year so there will be an out of pocket for each applicable session. We will need paperwork of your CDM prior to your appointment for the rebate to be claimed which we can do for you onsite on the day of your appointment.

NDIS: Self-managed and plan-managed participants.

Initial Appointment: $120

Return appointments: Starts at $95 but can be more dpending on your individual case and needs. You’ll be made aware of the exact fees at the time of booking.


Modern Medicine

Podiatry Can Help You

Feet and lower limb issues can be highly impactful on your life due to the importance of these body areas in many day-to-day activities. Podiatry can be beneficial to help you find relief and improved functionality and to receive care and education regarding foot health. For quality podiatry care in Ballarat, look no further than Modern Medicine.

Podiatry Ballarat

Modern Medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect from my podiatry appointment?

During your podiatry appointment, you can expect a thorough assessment of your foot and ankle concerns. Our experienced podiatrist will take the time to listen to your symptoms and medical history. They will conduct a comprehensive examination and may utilise various diagnostic techniques. Based on the findings, a personalised treatment plan will be developed to address your specific needs. You can also expect expert advice, education on foot health, and recommendations for footwear, orthotics, and exercises tailored to your condition.

What should I bring to my Ballarat podiatry appointment?

Please ensure that you bring any relevant diagnostic scans you may have, such as X-rays, ultrasounds, or MRIs, that pertain to your specific concern. We recommend wearing comfortable clothing that allows you to move easily so we can assess your walking or running pattern, as well as allowing access to examine your feet or legs. It can also be helpful to bring the shoes you commonly wear, including work shoes, runners, or casual shoes so our podiatrist can assess them and provide recommendations if necessary to ensure your footwear supports your foot health.

Do I need a referral to see a podiatrist in Ballarat?

No, you generally do not need a referral to see a podiatrist. Podiatrists are primary healthcare providers, which means you can directly book an appointment without a referral from another healthcare professional. However, some specific circumstances, such as if you have a chronic condition or if you plan to claim through schemes like the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Plan, may require a referral from your general practitioner.

Who is podiatry suitable for?

Podiatry is suitable for a wide range of individuals who have foot and lower limb concerns. It is beneficial for people experiencing foot pain, injuries, sports-related issues, chronic conditions like diabetes, dermatological foot issues, and even paediatric foot problems. Podiatry is suitable for individuals of all ages, from children to adults.

Can a podiatrist help with sports injuries?

Yes, a podiatrist can help with sports injuries. They are trained to diagnose and treat various sports-related foot and lower limb conditions, including running or walking injuries, Achilles tendon issues, plantar heel pain (plantar fasciitis), fractures, and more. Podiatrists can develop tailored treatment plans, provide advice on footwear, prescribe exercises, and assist in the rehabilitation process to help you recover and get back to your athletic activities.

How long do custom orthotics take to be made?

Custom orthotics typically take one to two weeks to be made. Your podiatrist will explain the entire process if you are prescribed orthotics.


What questions should I ask a podiatrist?

When visiting a podiatrist, here are some questions you may consider asking:

  • What is the underlying cause of my foot condition?
  • What treatment options are available, and what are their benefits and potential risks?
  • How long will it take to recover from my specific condition or injury?
  • Are there any preventive measures I can take to avoid future foot problems?
  • Can you provide recommendations on footwear or orthotics that would benefit me?
  • Are there specific exercises or stretches I should incorporate into my routine?
  • What signs or symptoms should I be aware of that may require immediate attention?

How often should you see a podiatrist?

The frequency of visits to a podiatrist depends on your individual circumstances and the nature of your foot health concerns. For routine foot care, such as nail care and general foot maintenance, annual or biannual visits may be sufficient. However, for ongoing conditions or more complex issues, your podiatrist will recommend a suitable treatment plan that may involve regular visits initially, followed by periodic check-ups to monitor progress and provide ongoing care.

Is podiatry covered by Medicare?

Podiatry is classified as an allied health profession in Australia, and as such, Medicare rebates are typically not available for standard visits to a podiatrist. However, there may be exceptions for patients with chronic diseases and complex care needs who are eligible for Medicare rebates. In order for Medicare benefits to be applicable to podiatry services, a patient must receive a referral to a podiatrist from a general practitioner (GP).

Does private health insurance cover Modern Medicine's services?

If you have the appropriate level of private health insurance cover, you will receive a rebate for your podiatry consultation. To learn whether your health fund will cover your podiatry appointment, call our clinic today.

Do you accept NDIS patients?

Our podiatrists treat self-managed and plan-managed participants.


Do you accept TAC and WorkCover patients?

Yes, our podiatrists treat TAC and WorkCover patients.


Do you accept members of Department of Veterans Affairs?

Yes. Please bring your DVA card and GP referral to your initial appointment.


We are trusted by thousands of happy patients and our results speak for themselves

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